The Past, Present, and Future Khaleah Manning!

Drawing of Old Characters I Made

The Past

In the past I did one thing I love and that was art. Throughout elementary and middle school I struggled having any real friends or friends I could trust and art helped me cope with that sort of lonliness. Days when I tried to draw for others or even drew with them I always thought I wasn't good enough. I wanted to give up and not pursue art. But I continued because of my loving mom. She made me feel confident and pushed me when others made me feel like I was not good enough. When I was in eighth grade I took a professional drawing class and learned a lot that helped me improve. I even recieved a certificate for professional drawing and painting. If past me saw me now she would probably be insanely happy with the accomplishments I have gained.

Drawing of A New Character I Made

The Present

Knowing how much I have done now and how many people recogonize me for my artistic talent makes me very happy and confident to see how my skillset will progress in the future. I still struggle when I experience art block but I can always come back and think of an idea. Drawing took me very far because I have found people who love to draw and I can finally have someone to relate to and share my creativity with. I'm sure future me will look back and appreciate the hard and good times I went through.

Image of Writing

The Future

I am positive that with a lot of hard work my future self will appreciate it. After the many problems I have dealt with in the past I hope she is a strong woman and keeps improving more on her artistic ability. I hope she finishes her MANY, MANY, unfinished stories and publishes them to be a real author in the world. And I definitely hope she is a good video editor for a good company that treats her right and has great employees to befriend.