Welcome to the official Fluffy Emotional Support Cat Website! A website where you can find the right emotional support
you need. Visit our about page and special traits page for more information!
All of our cats have several special traits! Such as playing hide
and seek, doing your web design homework, giving you guitar lessons, free toe bean pics, and
gaming with you. Some of our cats have more traits such as shopping with you, eating with you, and
napping with you.
Learn About Our Cats
Rose is a fluffy brown/grey cat with light green eyes and scattered stripes. She enjoys
pets, catnip, and naps. She dislikes her brother Willow, steak, and being smothered.
Fluffy is a grey cat with green eyes and long whiskers. He enjoys sleeping, new foods, and pets.
He dislikes baths, certain treats, and other cats.
Ellie is a fluffy brown cat with green eyes and scattered stripes. She enjoys sleeping, warmth, and pets.
She dislikes children, pets, and being bothered.
Harry is a short haired white cat with brown eyes and spots with dark stripes. He enjoys sleeping, new foods, and
people. He dislikes his sister Joy and waking up from naps.
Willow is a short haired grey cat with hazel eyes and light tan spots. He enjoys cuddles, new foods,
and bugs. He dislikes his sister Rose, steak, and dogs.
Midnight is a fluffy brown cat with hazel eyes and white spots. He enjoys sleeping, new foods, and
pets. He dislikes being smothered, dogs, and baths.
Bop is a short haired white cat with brown spots and hazel eyes. He enjoys sitting on
shoulders, toy balls, and scritches. He dislikes being chased and trapped.
Bibi is a short haired white cat with brown spots and hazel eyes. She enjoys tummy rubs,
springs, and spilling water. She dislikes being picked up and grabbed.
Joy is a short haired white cat with black spots and green eyes. She enjoys being followed,
meowing at people, and pets. She dislikes her brother Harry and loud noises.